Implants, Bridges and Dentures: Which One Is Better?

If you have missing teeth, it’s essential to know not replacing them can lead to severe complications. You may lose your natural teeth due to different reasons, including infection, decay, dental trauma, etc. Fortunately, it’s so easy to replace them as there are many effective tooth replacement options you can benefit from. All those options are significantly amazing, restoring your beautiful smile and boosting your low self-esteem. You can visit our experienced dentists at Dentist New West if you have missing teeth and need professional help. There popular tooth replacement treatments are dental implants, tooth bridges and dentures. Understanding the differences between these procedures is necessary to achieve the best possible results. As a patient with missing teeth, you have to understand your needs, your condition, your preferences and many other important factors before making your decision. Those tooth replacement options offer different benefits depending on what must be done to fix the patient’s problem. Therefore, it’s better to consult with a cosmetic dentist or an implant dentist to make a wiser decision. Here we explore all those important things so you can educate your choice!


Dentures can restore the function and look of your teeth, provided in partial dentures and full dentures. However, you need to have healthy oral tissues and enough jawbone density to become a candidate for dentures. So your dentist has to perform a comprehensive oral examination to make sure you are qualified.

Benefits of Dentures

  • Non-invasive: If you like to get dentures, no oral surgeries are required. Therefore, denture treatment is considered a non-invasive procedure. It allows your mouth to recuperate, and you can easily alter dentures to accommodate tooth loss.
  • Cost:If you are looking for a cost-effective option, dentures are excellent.

Dental Implants 

One of the most popular options among patients to replace missing teeth are dental implants. A dental implant can perfectly replace your missing tooth without making you uncomfortable. Your implant dentist inserts a titanium post into your jawbone, a strong foundation for dental prostheses, including cosmetic crowns, dentures and bridges. As experts at a top dental implant center in Toronto explain, these artificial roots make your dental implants look and function just like your real teeth. If you have lost your natural teeth due to reasons like periodontal disease, tooth decay or trauma, you can consider getting dental implants. 

Benefits of Implants 

  • Durability:Implants are highly durable and can last five to ten years. If you maintain standard oral hygiene and have regular checkups, implants can stay functional. 
  • Appearance:Dental implants look like your natural teeth, ensuring that your smile will look great! 

Dental Bridge 

Unlike dentures, tooth bridges aren’t removable and can replace a few missing teeth at once. Dental bridges are fantastic for closing the gaps caused by lost teeth. 

Benefits of Bridge 

  • Better fit:Bridges have a more accurate fit and are significantly comfortable. Furthermore, bridges can prevent misaligned teeth and the need for orthodontic treatments
  • Longevity:Bridges are extremely durable as they are made from a more precise technique. 

Dental treatments are quietly different, so it’s necessary to have a complete understanding of how every procedure evolves before choosing the most suitable one!

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